Announcement ID: #187612
Published on 03-22-2021
See all ads from vaughanchildrendentistry


Vaughan Children's Dentistry
1460 Major Mackenzie Drive, Unit N3
L6A 4H


Vaughan Children's Dentistry has dental emergency treatment in Vaughan to ensure an immediate response. The team knows that no one can ever predict when or where a dental issue will happen. Their dental emergency treatment in Vaughan is always ready to attend to your dental problem. They aim to save your original tooth and avoid costlier dental procedures. That is why if you deal with dental emergencies, get in touch with them. For the first-aid thing, if your child has a bitten lip or tongue severe, clean the area gently with water and use a cold compress, a cold, wet towel or washcloth pressed firmly against the area to reduce swelling.
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1460 Major MacKenzie Drive, Vaughan, Ontario L6A 4H6, Canada