Announcement ID: #189057
Published on 10-14-2021
See all ads from hempdepot


Hemp Depoit Wholesale
147 N Century St. Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Colorado Springs
British Columbia
Phone: 8444367234
  • Type of sale:
    Delivery / Carry


Full Spectrum Crude Oil provides a cost-effective crude oil extracted with organic alcohol. Organic alcohol has been shown to be one of the most effective cannabinoid solvents that can produce an efficient extraction, while retaining high terpene content, and is also safe for consumption in its raw solvent form. Note that this extraction method generally leaves behind the plant waxes, which may have benefits that are favored by some product manufacturers. The alcohol is also a polar solvent vs. the non-polar nature of the hydrocarbons and CO2 and as such can also extract less desirable materials from the material, such as chlorophyll. We extract at temperatures below -30 degrees Celcius to avoid this, but the nature of the solvent at a molecular level is different and should be recognized
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