Announcement ID: #184814
Published on 01-31-2018
See all ads from rameshbhairav


British Columbia


Astrologer RAMESH BHAIRAV is a world famous Indian astrologer working in over 5000 years old sphere of vedic astrology with 300 years of ancestral history. His ancestors has been the finest hand readers of their time and continuing to improve, he holds expertise in almost every branch of vedic astrology.

He has been an A-grade expert in face reading (physiognomy), palm reading (palmistry), horoscope-reading through Hindu astrology and psychic readings. Demanding more of his services, his clients have been more than satisfied with his ability to pull the roots out of the problems. Consult astrologer RAMESH BHAIRAV now for answers to your problems.


1.Astrology Session
2. Handreading Session
3.Standard Session
4. Marriage - Horoscope Matching
5. Spirit Guides & Helpers
6. R
Web page:
