Announcement ID: #222951
Published on 04-16-2020
See all ads from Brucehank12


Bruce Hank
1234, St. Florida, USA, St. Florida, USA
99.00 $


Canon Printer error code 6000 shows up on the computer screen? The error code 6000 occurs when the problem lies with the line feed, as the line feed may have been scratched or smeared, any debris has been trapped in the line feed carrier, line feed slit defect, and much more. These printers are designed and custom-built to suit the customer's unique needs. Canon Printer Error Code 6000 is one of those errors that can interrupt your work because it does not allow you to print new content. This issue will limit users to use the printer smoothly because they will not be able to print their documents or files for a longer time. The potential explanation behind the issue is due to the presence of debris in the paper tray or the printing of documents that are larger than the size indicated in t
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