Announcement ID: #203437
Published on 09-08-2022
See all ads from GinoChirichiello


Gino Chirichiello
19 collins close
east keilor
Phone: 418379033


Carpet Empire was established in 1931 we have been installing and repairing carpets since that time. After 90 years, we continue to be a family-owned and run business with two generations of experience.
We offer a range of specialised carpet-related services for both commercial and domestic customers.
We source and install all manner of carpet options for new carpet installations in homes or businesses, including wall-to-wall carpeting and tiled carpeting. Whatever kind of carpet you’re dreaming of, we can find it for you and make sure it's installed quickly and professionally.
We also do repairs of all kinds. This includes, Our patching is done so seamlessly that you won’t be able to tell where the original carpet ends and the patch begins.
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