Announcement ID: #261905
Published on 11-13-2023
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“Beyond All Doubt” is the second book in a series of four depicting the chronicles of courage, sacrifice, and love during a challenging period of history. Immerse yourself in the era of World War II, with danger all around and life’s predictability hanging on by a thread. That’s exactly where our hero, Lieutenant Karl Vita, finds himself in the miracle of Dunkirk.
‘Beyond All Doubt’ is a gratifying tale of Lieutenant Karl Vita, who has to lead a ship to rescue stranded troops. The story sheds light on the bravery and sacrifices of the soldiers who came to rescue their comrades. The plan didn’t go smoothly, and a German dive bomber hit Karl’s ship, and he got badly injured.
While recovering from the injuries, he continues to have fun with the nursing staff in the hospital until he is reu
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