
Welcome to Granny.
Granny keeps you locked in her house.
You wake up in a dark room, the only thing that lights up the room is your flashlight lying on a table, you have a headache and it feels like someone has hit you in the head.
Now you have to try to get out of her house, but be careful and be quiet.
She hears everything.
If you drop something on the floor, she hears it and comes running.
You can hide in wardrobes or under beds but be careful that she does not see you where you are hiding.
You can protect yourself from Granny using the weapons that you can find in the house.
But it only stops her for a while.
But it's worth it.
There are five different levels of difficulty.
Extreme, Hard, Normal, Easy and Practice.
If you play in Practice mode, you are in the house without Gr
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