
crystal therapy reborn, and as dictated by destiny, proved to be the most powerful healing method not only for the body but also for the relief of diseases of the mind and heart causing bodily diseases." The crystal therapy has much in common with the Reiki treatment. Moreover, both methods use energy, something intangible, plenty, invisible and affordable. The Crystal Bed therapy here must work before and after treatment and during it directs the actions of crystals.

A key condition of success is the calm and medicating of opening the new energy. Crystals and no play do not cure if the patient refuses to act himself to heal. Relaxation and patient familiarity helps a lot to take action and to let her act internally, bringing to the surface unfinished and old emotions to respond. Therapists believe that Causes of diseases should be dissolved, because they impede the free flow of energy.

Originally done stretching, followed by a discussion with the therapist. The therapist will lay the patient on a bed and will guide him to relax. Sometimes candles and some incense assist in this process. The therapist will slowly begin to place crystals on the energy wheels and high importance organs, crystal therapy usually takes place in the front part of the body. Different crystals mounted on each wheel energy and clean. The therapist either by hand or with a rod moves the energy within these centers.
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