Announcement ID: #220623
Published on 12-20-2019
See all ads from Persson


Persson David
Michigan City
Phone: 7573873347
  • Type of sale:
    Delivery / Carry
  • Estado:
200.00 $


We are delighted to introduce you to our beautiful registered puppies! At the moment they re the softest balls of fur imaginable that love having fun with each other all day. The puppies are an adorable range of colors – pure breed.
The parents have fantastically curly coats and it already looks like the puppies are following in their paw steps.
The puppies are being raised at the heart of our family home with lots of love and care. We ve completely fallen in love with them so we re trying our hardest to make sure sure they each go to their forever homes.
Both parents are our family pets – mum is a black Shihpoo and Dad is a white Shihpoo too. Both are small breeds with non-shedding coats, making them ideal house pets. The parents really are two of the loveliest dogs in the world.
Both ar


Location map:
Michigan City, IN, USA