Announcement ID: #220841
Published on 01-04-2020
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The Bison Printer
Bronx, NY 10453
New York


There can be several factors responsible for the serious issue of HP Printer Offline Error, You can fix this issue by following the below-given steps that may be the reason for this problem

1.Firstly, turn on the computing device which is connected to your printer. You don’t need to turn printer for this step.
2.Go to start button and select “Drivers and Printers”.
3.Select the HP printer from the list by clicking on its icon.
4.You can see the Offline status of Printer. Click on Offline and select Printer option.
5.Now, undo the use printer offline option.

This is how you can get your printer back in the online mode but If it doesn't work and you are fed up trying all troubleshooting methods but unable to bring your offline printer to online mode, you can directly contact Our HP expert
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Bronx, NY 10453, USA