Announcement ID: #264658
Published on 01-19-2024
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Capacitance, also known as "capacitance", is the amount of free charge stored at a given potential difference, denoted as C. The international unit is the farad (F). Generally speaking, the charge will be moved by the force in the electric field, when there is a medium between the conductors, it will hinder the charge to move and make the charge accumulated in the conductor, resulting in the accumulation of charge storage, the amount of stored charge is called capacitance. Capacitance is the ability to hold a charge.Joinwin Electronics, with close to more than 2,000 manufacturers around the world authorized to provide a variety of models of capacitors, but also to help find the market discontinued sold out models of products, capacitors purchasing choose Joinwin Electronics, 24/7 one-on-o
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