Announcement ID: #258728
Published on 08-16-2023
See all ads from warrendavid456


David Warren
4189 Morningview Lane New York 10011 United State
New York
New York
Phone: 09173174775
99.00 $


HashPack Wallet is a browser-based crypto wallet for NFTs, DeFi, and dApps. Powered by the sustainable public network 0 Hedera Hashgraph. Also, it supports peer-to-peer NFT trading, NFT gallery, multi-account support, HTS support, and addresses books. This Wallet has seamless ledger integration and the ability to purchase HBAR in-wallet using MoonPay. Users can also connect with Hedera dApps, using the HashPack Wallet to approve transactions while storing their private keys securely and safely. In order to use this secure platform, create your account first by installing the HashPack Wallet Extension on your browser.
Web page:
