Announcement ID: #206808
Published on 02-11-2023
See all ads from tapatradie


Tap a Tradie
152, St, Georges Terrace, Perth, WA, Australia
Western Australia
Phone: 61452477587
1.00 A$


Tap A Tradie is an online marketplace connecting customers looking for home improvements/renovation with qualified tradies with the required skills, experience, and knowledge to get the job done.

Available as a web app and mobile app (Android, iOS), Tap A Tradie has separate app panels for both customers and tradies. Both can sign up with their separate apps and enjoy services at their convenience.

Customers can place job requests for any home improvement/ renovation needs, from plumbing, carpentry, painting, and electrical to flooring, gardening, cleaning and much more. Meanwhile, interested tradies can showcase their interest in these job requests.
Web page:


Location map:
62-66 St Georges Ter, Perth, Western Australia, 6000